How often have you seen the perfect opportunity for that first smooch, just as it passes you by? Here’s how to prevent missing the moment again.
Judge her mood
Don’t trust the usual body language stuff. Hair twiddling, wrist and neck displays and the like can be highly misleading on their own. Women in particular make very ambiguous signals. Try to get at least four of these positive signals in rapid succession before going for a kiss.
Read when she’s flirting
Women have 52 non verbal solicitation behaviors to attract men. Most women can flirt. Some favourite signals that she’s interested are tilting her head to the side, tucking in her chin, pushing her hair behind her ears and narrowing her eyes, making them smoulder.
Make the move
Kissing is an invasion of personal space. Don’t just lunge or you’ll take her by surprise, and embarrassment and regret will ensue. Quickly testing how welcome you are just inches from her face is the goal and leaning in to speak into her ear works best. A safe distance can only be found by moving closer until the person leans away.
Have a back-up plan
Even if it looks like all systems go, the only sure signal of success occurs just a heartbeat before your lips lock. So it’s wise to perfect a move that can easily convert to complete innocence if you have to abort at the last moment. For example lean in whispering “Do you know what…?” before pausing a second. You can still save face, simply by finishing off the sentence.
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