Paris Hilton
gave her much anticipated first post-jail interview to CNN’s Larry King Live on Wednesday. I was lucky enough to catch it on Cable TV. And I found the whole interview pretty interesting. She was dressed in a white lace sweater and looked so different. I guess she has changed her attitude a lot.Quotes from the Interview with Larry King:
PARIS HILTON: I consider you an icon and I really respect you and it's an honor for me to be here today.
KING: What have the last two days been like?
HILTON: Some days, overwhelming. You know, I've been confined for 3½ weeks in a little cell so it's just overwhelming to be out and be free again.
KING: How well were you treated?
HILTON: I went up to L.A. County. All the sheriffs there were very professional. I was treated like any other inmate, no better, no worse.
KING: You were in confinement 23 hours a day?
HILTON: Yeah. It was pretty difficult, just -- the cell was like 8 by 12. So I was alone the entire time.
KING: Do you have television in the cell?
KING: What do you do with the hour you get out?
HILTON: For the hour I got to shower and call my family. You only have an hour so you try to make the most of it.
KING: Have visitors?
HILTON: Saturdays and Sundays for a half an hour. My family came, my friends.
KING: Do you have to wear special clothes?
HILTON: I wore the orange jumpsuit just like everyone else. It was a very traumatic experience, but I feel like God does make everything happen for a reason. And it gave me, you know, a time-out in life to really find out what's important and what I want to do, figuring out who I am. And I'm -- even though it was really hard, I took that time just to get to know myself. I have a new outlook on life.
If you missed the show, you can follow the transcript of the full interview here…http://edition.cnn.com/2007/SHOWBIZ/TV/06/27/king.hilton.transcript/index.html
Paris Hilton’s hour long appearance on Larry King drew 3.2 million viewers, nearly triple the show’s average audience.
Paris Hilton was released from Los Angeles county jail early Tuesday after being sentenced to 45 days in jail for driving on a suspended license. Her jail term was later cut almost in half for good behavior. In total she has served 23 days behind bars. The new season of her hit reality show ‘The Simple Life’ now airs on E!.
Watch the Interview
PART 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YSCrSdq0xTM
PART 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMC3qQurC8o
PART 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FhcbZGvxScI
PART 4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QLBsbCCP2rc
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